Online Banking - Enroll online! Contact the Credit Union if you have any questions. Now you can double-click the check number to view a copy of your check!
Debit Cards - Shazam ATM Locator
EStatements -This service is free of charge. Sign up now by going to your Online Banking, select Self-service, select EStatements, select Enroll now. This will eliminate paper statements and be a cost saver to the credit union (i.e. paper,
postage, labor etc.). Thanks!
Notary Services - Remember, when you bring a document to be notarized into the credit union that it must be signed in front of the notary. Photo identification will be required for all signatures of people that we do not personally know. This service is offered free of charge to our members.
Creditors are not required by law to report anything to credit bureaus, although many businesses choose to report on-time payments, late payments, purchases, loan terms, credit limits, and balances closures or charge-offs.
Industrial Employees Credit Union reports to two of the credit bureaus:
Get your mastercard from the Industrial Employees Credit Union
10.00% APR
25 Days grace period for purchases
Average Daily Balance method of computing the balance for purchases
No annual fee
No minimum finance charge
No transaction fee
If your card is lost or stolen, please call Card Services at 1-800-234-5354.
Cardholder Agreement